Thursday, July 16, 2009


thanks to the overwhelming amount of undeserved attention and respect given to michael jackson i didn't even know sky saxon died on the same day (i had to hear it from you will soon) sky saxon actually did shit for music, he was one of the first front man who showed people you didn't have to have a good singing voice, all you have to have is a ruff voice and some attitude, and then theres all the people that looked up to the seeds, like joey ramone and johnny thunders (and don't get me started on how important the ramones and the dolls are to music) WHAT THE FUCK DID JACKSON DO FOR MUSIC!?! everything the jackson 5 was doing had already been done by plenty of other motown bands (like the temptations, four tops,and the contours, just to name a few) all michael jackson did was show people how coordinate a dance routine into their performances. so i'll give him credit for the dance thing, , and for setting up the standard for a modern day pop concerts (which suck anyway). i'll even give him credit for revolutionizing music videos, but even then he only made contributions to choreography, pop concerts, and music videos, none of those things are major components of good music, those things barely have anything to do with music at all. dance choreography, extravagant pop performances, and music videos are actually pretty fuckin' lame, they came about when pop was becoming lame and not even catchy, basically how it is today. so thanks jacko for creating the shitty breed of pop stars we have today, who can dance the assess off in stupid, expensive, flashy pop concerts and videos, but can't even write a catchy song.

R.I.P. Sky Saxon

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