Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Scenes: 6/3-6/14

truxtun time

cam lipslidin'

nick front boardin'

cam's hand

a picture luke left on my camera

one of sammy's daily rituals

original mark gonzales sketch sammy gave me for my brithday

alex got one too

sammy's puppies

grilled eggplant and grilled pizza

dead baltimore bird

porch time

crazy ass chick


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Skating Downtown Annapolis 6/1/2011

skated around downtown with nicky alittle while ago. got some serious shreddin done...

nose grab 5-0in'

backside nosebluntin'

alley scalin'

hippie jumpin' and pose strikin'

spot fixin'


this was a 180 but i fucked up the pic cause i didn't know it was coming

Friday, June 10, 2011

Forgotten Pictures from New Years

so, here are some pictures from new years eve that i never got around to posting...

me, arantxa, and alex met up with luke at the foundry before we headed over to the annex. at least i think it was the annex, i can never remember the name of any places in baltimore

alex was already on his way to being done when we got there



baby kitty

arantxa and bk

on our way to what i'm pretty sure was the annex

inside the annex

this is what i thought of the band that was playing

honey packet from the confines of arantxa's purse



the band that was playing at midnight

naomi, who i didn't know at the time, and still don't really know now

then we went back to the foundry so we could drop alex and off and so me and arantxa could catch a cab home.

ben and bk

happy new(ish) year!....