Tuesday, November 18, 2008


i was watching almost famous today, i like that movie. zooey dechanel is in that movie, she's cute in all that 70's gear. watching that movie got me thinkin...WHY MOST ZOOEY DECHANEL BE SO LIKEABLE!!?!

yea, she's cute and has good style, but i'm that everybody in hollywood are actually slobs, and they pay people to dress them everyday, you can't really like her based on those facts, yhey just become the iceing on the cake. the thing that really makes her so dern likeable is the way she sings old timey songs in an old timey way...

whats not to like about this?

or this?

DAMN YOU ZOOEY DECHANEL! WHY MUST YOU BE SO LIKEABLE!!?! i'm making a decision right now to start hating zooey dechanel, and i think everybody else should too. if anyone was to see her on the street they should throw something at her, spit on her, or at the very least kick her in the shin, no one is allowed to be this likeable...bitch

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