the next day we woke up kinda early

this is alex trying to get clean, he didn't know there was a shower so he just took a mexican shower

the view from our room

breakfast and the view of the city

after breakfast me and alex waited in the lobby for the rest of the family to get ready, there was alott of standing around and waitinfg this whole trip

this kid in the lobby was giving me looks

after the rest of the family was ready we had to stand outside and wait for the bus that took us to the ferry

the ferry

then we went to central park and waited for a couple more family memebers

my uncle ralph and his family

more standing and waiting

while we were standing around in central park my uncle ralph got caught holding my cousins doll, now all my mom's family is originally form long island, so when you look at this picture imagine the word, "WUUUH!?" being said in a stereotypical new york accent

the missing part of the family eventually showed up

while we were in central park i kept stealing my familes kodak moments from afar

then i got caught

this guy was performing for money in central park, not my money though...

i made my little cousin pay

we rented some boats in central park

upskirt statue shot

alex lookin' and feelin' damn good in central park

alex felt so good he decided to give an oriental man playing an oriental instrument american money

i felt so go i decided to steal other families kodak moments
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