so i was driving around the other day and i noticed a few things...

first off, check out this truck...

the first two...

and this is the third. now first of all i wanna say i think it's great that this guy is passionate about something, but i have this little law that i would like to make legal and then enforce. i call it, "the no more than 3-5 (i haven't decided on a number yet) bumper stickers that state your opinion law". now
i'm all for having your own opinion, i might even like to hear about if it's my choice. i just don't want to see it out there while
i'm trying to drive, i don't care if your a racist cowboy or gay hippie, i really don't wanna hear about what you think while
i'm driving. if ever i get curious about what your views are on a major topic
i'll track you down at the annual
kkk ho down or the curiously neat and coordinated tepee of your
commune. okay moving on...

i don't what this means but i stopped by the mall to pick up a cd and some magazines and while i was walking out i noticed a ups truck...

now thats no big deal except, i looked across the street and i noticed three more ups trucks across the street, oh yea and you can't tell but they're parked at a mcdonalds. now there are two possible explanations for this. 1-ups is taking over and is making deals with the major world power mcdonalds. 2-ups drivers are pretty lazy people who like to hangout at the mall and mcdonalds, which in turn prevents you from getting your packages much sooner than you could actually get them.
that's all for now
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