Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Catching Up

i've actually been doing shit these last few days, so heres whats been going on...
wednesday matt, alex, and me had a nice downtown sesh

they've been building alot of new stuff in annapolis, we found this and i got excited

then i got serious

matt got a frontboard

and alex got the perfect picture for his christmas card

friday i hungout with molly and james the cat

molly had to bake, so i juse sat around and watched james be james

james is one sketchy bastard

hes always up to something

after couple hours of christmas shopping with molly, i met up with tom and alex for alittle skate at cape

Sunday, December 16, 2007

finally, an update

between school and work i've been too tired to do anything and i've had no time to do anything, but this weekend i had no school or work, so heres a long overdue post.

we went into dc on saturday

the whole family was there

we met up with my uncle, aunt, and grandmother, the we saw a one man star wars play, yea, thats right, A ONE MAS STAR WARS PLAY!!!

then we had dinner

alex had some kinda of classy dessert booze, alex ain't classy

then we stopped by some weird art fair thingy, kiss pandas?

after that i went by to grab the evil stick a.k.a. satan's butthole (later this proved to be a very bad mistake)

after that i went to pot belly's with matt...

and kate

then we went past the bookstore so i could grab a holiday cd

we finished the night up with some starbucks and some bad luck brought on by the evil stick

suday i had lunch with the family again

then i went over to edward's house to hangout with the dogs and luke. then i noticed the world was coming to an end outside, and it was clear to see it was the work of satan's butthole.

we went over to jake's to try and find and destroy the evil stick because thats where it was last seen. when we got there it was gone and in its place was this new stick pictured above. the question is, is it an evil spawn of satan's butthole or a new anti evil stick, that will aid us in the battle against satan's butthole...more to come soon

Sunday, December 2, 2007